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Orleans Minor Hockey Association


Hello U13 families!!

Today we have our final rust off sessions at Senecal at 5pm and 6pm.  I will be handing out the evaluation jerseys today so please ensure you come see me as you will need them starting tomorrow.

Our first evaluation session is Wednesday, September 11th and I have sent out the times that your player will be on the ice. Please reach out if you haven't received it.

Our goalies will not be on the ice tomorrow night but they will be on the ice on Saturday, at 6pm at Senecal.  Following that session, they will then participate in the rest of the evaluations going forward. I will send out an email to the goalies in the upcoming days.

The weekend evaluations are as follows:

Saturday, September 14th Lois Kemp (Blackburn Hamlet)  4pm and 5pm.  It will be Friday when I send out the email with your player's time. 


Sunday, September 15th at Manley (Bob McQuarrie)  2:15pm and 3:15pm and your child will not find out their time until late Saturday as I am at the rink late with U15 that day as well!

There will be more (balancing games, etc) but that is what is planned so far. I know there are some issues with emails and adding parents, I am working on it and hope it will be fixed in the next few days!

See you all tonight


Welcome back to Hockey!!!


Registration for the 2024-2025 season is still open at some levels!


OMHA AGM 2024: Tuesday, April 30, 7:30pm, Bob MacQuarrie- Hall A


Pilot Merger Town Hall Meetings
